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To maintain healthy eyes and vision, the American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends that adults wearing glasses or contacts and adults aged 61 and older should see their eye doctor every year or as recommended. If no vision correction is required, adults aged 18 to 60 should have eye examinations every two years. Regular eye examinations are crucial, as they can detect vision problems and eye diseases that may not show symptoms until it's too late.

All surgeries come with some risks, but LASIK, intraocular lens implants, and cataract surgeries are generally safe and effective procedures. It's essential to understand the risks and benefits of these procedures before undergoing them. During a consultation with your eye doctor, they can answer any questions you may have and explain the potential risks. Cataract surgery is one of the most performed surgical procedures, as well as one of the safest. More than 95 percent of the 3 million cataract surgeries are performed without complications. While LASIK and intraocular lens implants are also safe, they do come with risks. Most people who undergo LASIK treatment do not suffer from serious side effects. The most common risks of LASIK surgery include dry eye syndrome, the possible need for glasses or contact lenses after surgery, visual symptoms such as halos, glare, starbursts, and double vision, and loss of vision.

Nearsightedness, or myopia, causes objects in the distance to be blurry, while farsightedness, or hyperopia, causes near objects to appear blurred. Both conditions can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.

Yes, you can have cataracts and glaucoma at the same time. Both often result as a natural part of aging. However, they are not related to one another. Most people with glaucoma are not at any greater risk to develop cataracts than those without it. If you are concerned, ask your doctor for advice.

Yes, the aim of any glaucoma treatment is to reduce elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), but how this is achieved can vary based on a patient's disease severity, tolerance to side effects, history with IOP-lowering medications, additional health conditions, or other factors. Treatment options include eye drops, oral medications, laser therapy, and surgery. Your ophthalmologist can help you determine the best course of treatment for you.

A Vitreo-Retinal specialist is an eye physician and surgeon who specializes in diseases of the retina, macula, and vitreous. They are experts in treating conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal detachment, eye trauma, and intraocular infection. Vitreo-Retinal specialists are medical doctors who have completed many years of training in diseases and surgery of the eye, including a 3-year ophthalmology residency followed by a 2-year vitreoretinal fellowship.

The retina is the delicate, light-sensitive tissue that covers the interior wall of the eye. It receives images projected through the lens of the eye and sends these images to your brain through the optic nerve. When the retina is damaged, your vision may become impaired. Damage to the retina may be caused by injury, illness, or because of aging.

Floaters are small, usually harmless specks or clouds that move around in your field of vision. They are common and usually caused by the normal aging process of the eye. In rare cases, floaters can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as a retinal tear or detachment. If you experience new floaters, a sudden increase in floaters, or flashes of light in your vision, it's important to see an eye care professional right away.

A retinal detachment occurs when the retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye, separates from the underlying tissue that provides it with oxygen and nutrients. This separation can cause permanent vision loss if not treated quickly. Risk factors for retinal detachment include a family history of the condition, a previous retinal detachment, nearsightedness, and certain eye injuries or surgeries.

Symptoms of retinal detachment include sudden onset of floaters, flashes of light, and a shadow or curtain descending over part of the visual field. These symptoms can occur gradually or suddenly and are often painless. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.

Retinal detachment can happen to anyone, but some people are at higher risk than others. Risk factors include being over the age of 40, being nearsighted, having had a previous retinal detachment or other eye surgery, and having a family history of the condition. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can also increase the risk of retinal detachment.

Vitreo-retinal problems, such as retinal tears, retinal detachment, and severe intraocular infections, can be treated with a variety of approaches, including surgery, laser treatments, and injections. The goal of treatment is to correct the underlying problem before vision is lost, prevent further deterioration, and in some cases, restore lost vision. It is important to seek prompt medical attention if you experience any symptoms of a vitreo-retinal problem.

The term "dry eye" is used to describe a condition where there are changes in the quantity or quality of the tears. The tears have three main layers that work together to keep the eyes comfortable and protected. When there is an imbalance in these elements, the tears may evaporate too quickly, leaving the eyes feeling dry and irritated. Symptoms of dry eye may include a gritty or scratchy sensation, a burning or stinging feeling, redness, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.